The Real David Raine

SmilingBouncerI would like to share some stories and earned knowledge about my life in the Arts, Home Cooking, Relationships, Failure, Winning, and Drinking too much sometimes.

I’m new to blogging, so it will probably take time to get interesting for the readers. I have some very serious life challenges that have fallen on me…like the kind of stuff that could kill a man’s light…mute his Soul forever. I’ve learned a few things while surviving this. One lesson in particular is that if you are good and loving at the core of your being, there is no slander, evil accusation, or dark mark that can ever guide a person’s true opinion of you. I have been blessed to have supporters, believers, and partners in family, friendships, and business.

I will get into the backstory of the challenge at a later date. I have to, because its the elephant in many rooms that I walk into.

The other share of my Life will be the absolute magic that I have been blessed to experience. I have traveled the world as an Actor, Musician, and Adventurer. I have loved and been loved by some amazing people. I have been in and out of  powerful circles, and survived some very hairy situations. Those moments in my life Chapters have helped form my unique way of seeing both myself and the World. I can only hope that it will create some interesting reading down the line. I’ll be rediscovering old travel journal entries as well as sharing present day contemplation.

Lastly, there is Home Chefery! Yes, I made this word up. ..although I’d be surprised if I was the only one that has. That is the nature of cooking, like all other arts. It is a compilation of your original self and what you have experienced in your surrounding world…with some all knowing power of the Universe peppered in. The Universe pepper is the WOW factor in every art form.

OK, so this was part site function test, part first blog, and part introduction to what to expect from me.

Please enjoy an old tune before you go? Take: by yours truly

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